
Az Ipari Zsírfogók és Olajfogók Hiányának Bírságai Magyarországon 2024-ben

Az Ipari Zsírfogók és Olajfogók Hiányának Bírságai Magyarors...

Az ipari zsírfogók és olajfogók hiánya súlyos bírságokat vonhat maga után Magyarországon 2024-ben. Az üzemeknek biztosítaniuk kell, hogy ezek a berendezések megfelelően működjenek, hogy elkerüljék a jelentős pénzbírságokat és hozzájáruljanak a környezetvédelemhez. A környezetvédelmi szabályok betartása nem csupán jogi kötelezettség, hanem a fenntartható működés alapfeltétele is.
Hogyan Válasszunk Kiegészítőket az Oltóvíz Tárolóhoz?

Hogyan Válasszunk Kiegészítőket az Oltóvíz Tárolóhoz?

Az oltóvíz tárolók hatékony működéséhez elengedhetetlen a megfelelő kiegészítők kiválasztása. Figyeljünk a minőségre, a szabványoknak való megfelelésre, és a könnyű karbantarthatóságra. A Grünwald környezettechnikai termékekkel és kiegészítőkkel garantáltan biztonságos és megbízható tűzvédelmi rendszert alakíthatunk ki. Ne feledjük, hogy a megfelelő kiegészítők nemcsak a hatékonyságot növelik, hanem a rendszer élettartamát is meghosszabbítják.
Hogyan Engedélyeztessük a Szennyvíztisztító Rendszerek Szivárogtató Mezőit? – Útmutató Lépésről Lépésre
Grünwald Staff

How to Authorize the Percolation Fields of Wastewater Treatm...

Welcome to our webshop! Below we provide detailed information on the licensing of leakers connected to wastewater treatment systems.

1. CE Marking of Conformity and Authorization of Leakage Fields

Our waste water treatment equipment has a CE conformity mark, so only the leakage field needs to be approved. This is the responsibility of the competent local notary to be authorized on the basis of Section 24 (1) c) point. For details, click here: legislation .

2. Local Building Regulations and Utilities Substitute Equipment

The construction options for sewage treatment plants and seepage fields are determined by the Local Building Regulations. This document contains which utility replacement equipment can be used in the given settlement. Before ordering, please find out whether this wastewater treatment solution is permitted in your locality.

3. Preparation of design documentation

In the case of wastewater treatment systems under 500 m³/year, you can also order the design documentation required for licensing from our company. All you need is a title deed and a copy of the map (it doesn't have to be authentic). If the wastewater treatment plant is installed by another contractor, please draw on the map copy where it will be placed in the area (a sketch is sufficient).

We prepare the design documentation within 3-5 working days and send it by mail in three copies. The administration of the authorization is always the responsibility of the customer, since only the property owner can apply for the authorization.

4. Execution and Licensing Duration

Construction can begin in possession of a valid establishment permit. The authorization procedure usually takes a maximum of 30 days, however, the notary may also involve specialized authorities, which may extend the administration time. The customer is responsible for paying the fees incurred during the authorization procedure. In some areas, the notary can also request a soil mechanics expert opinion, the preparation of which is not included in the costs of the design documentation.

During licensing, the following legislation is taken into account:

5. Water Law Licensing Procedure

If the discharge of treated water exceeds 500 m³/year, or if the receiving water is live water, a water law licensing procedure is required, which must be conducted at the regionally competent Disaster Management Directorate. This requires various environmental impact studies and soil mechanics expert opinions, which we cannot help prepare, but we can recommend design offices specializing in water rights permits.


If you have any questions, please contact us at the following address: ugyfelszolgalat@grunwald.eco .

Important Note

If you order a system from us for which the notary does not issue an installation permit, our company assumes no responsibility.

We hope that this information sheet helped you to navigate the licensing process for wastewater treatment systems and leakers. Feel free to contact us with any further questions!

Kertünk Kincse: Otthoni Medencék
Grünwald Staff

Our Garden Treasure: Home Pools

How to choose the ideal pool?

Before choosing a home pool, it is important to consider the available options and the advantages of each type. In the grunwald.shop range, you can choose from several types of pools, including our self-supporting circular pools, which offer an excellent alternative to traditional concrete or metal pools.

  1. Size and location : First, consider the space available at home and the activities you want to do around the pool. Freestanding lap pools are often easy to install and assemble and adapt to changing areas and needs.

  2. Material and style : The self-supporting pools offered by grunwald.shop are available in a variety of designs, including different sizes, mechanics and equipment. When choosing a pool, you can take into account the style of your home and individual preferences.

  3. Pool engineering : Remember that the installation of a home pool includes not only the pool body, but also the associated pool engineering system. The grunwald.shop offer also includes pool engineering products such as pumps, filter systems and other accessories that may be necessary for the operation and maintenance of the pool.

In summary

When choosing a home pool, it is important to consider the available options and the advantages of each type. Self-supporting plastic pools offer an excellent alternative to traditional pools, they are easy to install and assemble, and flexibly adapt to the conditions of the home. Don't hesitate to build your home oasis and visit the grunwald.shop webshop to get to know their pool offer and the related pool engineering products!

Első lépés a Fenntarthatóság felé: Az Esővízgyűjtés Varázsa
Grünwald Staff

First step towards Sustainability: The Magic of Rainwater Ha...

Welcome to the grunwald.shop blog! Today I want to talk about why rainwater harvesting is so important and how this solution can be effectively applied in our home.

Why is rainwater harvesting important?

Rainwater is a free and sustainable resource that can be used for watering gardens and other household activities. Rainwater harvesting not only saves money on our bills, but is also beneficial for our environment. It reduces water consumption, contributes to the protection of water sources and also reduces the risk of flooding.

How does rainwater collection work?

A rainwater collection system usually consists of a rainwater collection tank, a rainwater channel and a filter system. Rainwater channels collect rainwater from the roof and direct it into the tank. The filter system cleans and removes impurities from the rainwater so that it can be used for garden watering or other purposes.

How to use rainwater harvesting in the garden?

You can easily integrate the rainwater collection system into your garden. Simple rainwater collection tanks can be installed, which you can connect to the drainage system. You can then easily use the collected rainwater to water the garden, water the plants or even fill the garden pond.

Why should you buy rainwater collectors from the [Webshop Name] webshop?

The grunwald.shop webshop offers high-quality rainwater collection systems with which you can easily take advantage of the benefits of rainwater. Their wide selection includes rainwater collection tanks, rainwater pumps, filters and other accessories so that everyone can find the solution that best suits their garden and needs.

In summary

Rainwater harvesting is an efficient and environmentally friendly solution that helps you save money and contributes to protecting the environment. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this free and sustainable resource in your home and visit the grunwald.shop webshop to learn about their wide selection of rainwater harvesting products!

A Szennyvíztisztító Berendezés Hiánya: Vízkárosodások és Környezeti Veszedelmek

Lack of Wastewater Treatment Equipment: Water Damage and Env...

Welcome to the grunwald.shop blog! Today we want to talk about an important topic: the harmful effects of the lack of sewage treatment equipment and the dangers of not investing in such equipment.

Why is wastewater treatment important?

Wastewater treatment is not just a matter of convenience, but of fundamental importance for protecting the health of our environment and communities. If wastewater is not properly treated, it can have adverse effects on watercourses, natural habitats and human health.

What damage can be caused by improper wastewater treatment?

  1. Water damage : Contaminated water entering rivers, lakes and seas can have a number of adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. Oil pollution, chemicals and heavy metals can cause significant damage to aquatic animals and plants.

  2. Health Hazards : Drinking or coming into contact with contaminated water can cause serious health problems for people, including infectious diseases and health impairments.

  3. Environmental Disaster : Oil spills and other large spills of pollutants can cause environmental disasters that can cause long-term damage to both natural habitats and human communities.

What is the solution?

The solution is the introduction and efficient operation of wastewater treatment equipment. The grunwald.shop webshop offers high-quality wastewater treatment equipment that helps protect the environment and watercourses from contamination. Don't ignore this important environmental protection step and visit our webshop today!